Our goal at IOS (International Orphanages and Schools) is to assist the people of Haiti by providing them with the education and training tools they do not have access to. We believe the best way to help the Haitian people is to give them the tools they need to provide for themselves. Building the orphanage is one of those ways we can assist by giving children with no home a place to that is safe and stable and will allow them access to proper food, clothing, medical care, and education opportunities.
We also exist in order to provide training, housing, and support to the people of Haiti. This training and support involve many different areas in order to meet the spiritual and physical needs of people. By working with an established church and school we believe we can accomplish much by using the men and woman already involved in the work of a ministry established over thirty years ago.
To see how you can get involved, please visit the GIVE page to see what donations are needed for this ministry.
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